different kinds of alcoholics

The treatment of functional alcoholics involves addressing underlying issues that trigger the urge to drink and helping the person to understand the impact alcohol has on their career, family, and health. Support from family, friends, and peers can be a positive factor in helping functional alcoholics find their way back to sobriety. This subtype tends to be characterized by an increased prevalence of antisocial personality disorder and a history of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the family.

The Binge-Eating Alcoholic

different kinds of alcoholics

Someone in the intermediate familial alcoholics subtype is usually employed, but they may have lower levels of education and income than the functional subtype. Comprising 19% of alcoholics in America, the typical Intermediate Familial alcoholic is middle-aged. Therapy can be continued in the long term, even after leaving rehab, meaning that it is one of the most effective forms of treatment for all types of alcoholics at any stage of their recovery. As the name suggests, this category of alcoholism refers to individuals who have developed an addiction as a result of those around them – their close friends and, more often, their family. When going through an alcohol withdrawal, it is essential that individuals do not go through this process alone and that medical and professional support is accessible if needed.

Determining Your Alcoholic Type

  • Approximately 22% have a first- or second-degree family member who is also dependent on alcohol.
  • Functional alcoholics consume alcohol daily or at least several times per week.
  • As the name suggests, this category of alcoholism refers to individuals who have developed an addiction as a result of those around them – their close friends and, more often, their family.
  • Most Chronic Severe alcoholics are middle-aged and have a personal history with an early onset of problem and binge drinking.
  • This group also drinks more at once and more overall than other groups, although they drink slightly less frequently.

More members of this group have full-time jobs than any other, but their income level tends to be lower than the functional subtype. While this group is not especially likely to seek treatment, those that do tend to attend self-help groups, specialty treatment programs, detoxification programs, and private health 5 types of alcoholics care providers. Beyond problematic drinking behaviors, there are a few traits that are more common among people with AUD. A family history of alcohol use disorder, co-occurring mental health disorders, polysubstance misuse, and smoking were all prominent among the subtypes, with the exception of young adults.

different kinds of alcoholics

Is Binge Drinking Considered Alcoholism?

If you or a loved one suffers from alcohol use disorder (AUD), you must seek addiction treatment. Luckily, there are several treatment options for all types of alcoholics. In many cases, you may not expect a functional alcoholic to have a problem.

different kinds of alcoholics

The Different Types of Alcoholics

They may seem like neurotic, disagreeable people who lack self-respect. Many drink heavily, and they tend to experience more alcohol-related problems than other drinkers. Copers will likely experience long-term consequences from their avoidant behavior when they fail to address underlying issues.

Young Adult Subtype

different kinds of alcoholics

While they have lower rates of a co-occuring disorder, some in this subtype struggle with depression and many are addicted to cigarettes. Nearly the same size as the last type, this group represents 19% of US alcoholics. The incidence of mental health disorders is much more common within this type. Around half suffer from clinical depression and an equal amount come from families with generational alcohol dependency.

different kinds of alcoholics

Understanding the 6 Types of Alcoholism

Continue Learning About The 6 Types of Alcoholics (And How to Identify Them)

  • They also frequently suffer from other forms of mental illness (OCD, bipolar disorder, depression) or other substance abuse disorders.
  • We can, with your consent, pass your details to our partners that can offer this.
  • People who regularly drink heavily may experience severe or dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms if they quit cold turkey.

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